Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I Need An iPhone

Because I need to get Hipstagram. This app is way too entertaining. I spent most of my evening taking random pictures with a friend and putting filters on them on her phone. So many Daily Artsy potentials, but I think this might be the best one.

Legit art.

I found the Android version of this for my phone, Vignette (Demo, because I'm cheap). I used it yesterday for a little bit and I still need to familiarize myself with it, but it seems like it's comparable to Hipstagram. Which is awesome.

And once again...I have no picture of Bailey for the day. I really need to recheck my priorities. So here's another blast from the past.

Why won't you take pictures of me?

Although she really doesn't look that different right now, even though that picture was from almost a year ago. So, we can all pretend I took that picture tonight.


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